Dev Recommended BONKbot Settings

Before you start trading on BONKbot, it’s a good idea to make sure you understand the various settings available and adjust them to the recommended bot settings.
As you gain more confidence and experience in your trading, you’ll likely adjust the settings to your own preference to suit your trading style.
But, when you’re just starting out, it’s best to listen to the experts and follow their recommendations.
We spoke directly with the BONKbot devs and mods to find out exactly what the best BONKbot settings are so you can trade safely, efficiently and profitably.

Announcements Toggle
First up, there are the "Announcements" settings that you can choose to toggle on or off.
It'll periodically provide you with updates from BONKbot, which is great if you always want to be in the know.
Dev Recommendations:
Web3 G: “This is a personal preference in my opinion.”
Alex (Mod): “I think it should be on by default.”

Minimum Position Value
This is the minimum position value to show in the portfolio if you click on this, the default setting on this is 0.01 or $0.01.
If your tokens’ value drops below this, it will be hidden. This is useful when you get rugged but for some reason, you don't want to sell the token.
To edit, simply tap and change the default setting.
Dev Recommendations:
Web3 G: “The minimum position value setting depends on specific situations, but something like $0.1 is completely fine I think. Sure, it can be increased to a couple of $, but that depends on the volume that people trade on. $0.1 should be fine for everyone in my opinion.”
Alex (Mod): “I keep it at 0.2$. I think it's best to keep it low for newcomers so they can still see their coins, even if they're experiencing significant losses. So coins won’t magically disappear.”

Auto Buy
When Auto Buy is enabled, you can automatically buy tokens at a set amount as soon as you paste the token address, skipping the need for manual confirmation.
This can really help speed transactions up without the need of a sniper.
You can quickly tap to toggle this feature on or off.
Dev Recommendations:
Web3 G: “Turning BONKbot Auto Buy off or on depends if the user wants to use the feature. I think most of them don’t use it and that it should be off by default.
For the amount/value when they do use it, I would just recommend what we recommend in general - not to be close to what is considered low capital - 0.25 SOL or similar (so approximately above that).”
Alex (Mod): “I believe it should be disabled for new users on BONKbot. I prefer to keep it disabled to prevent accidental clicks. I totally get that some people prefer to trade more quickly, so it makes sense to have that feature available. But I believe we should keep it disabled for newcomers.”

Buy & Sell buttons
The "Buy Button Config" and "Sell Button Config" settings allow you to make quick trades by customizing preset amounts for buying and selling tokens.
You can easily adjust these buttons to fit your preferences.
For example, the default settings are 1 SOL and 2 SOL for the buy buttons, but you can change these to suit your budget.
Similarly, the sell buttons are set to 25% and 100%, though many traders prefer more flexible settings like 33% and 50% to manage their investments more effectively.
Dev Recommendations:
Web3 G: “Completely personal preference in my opinion.”
Alex (Mod): Buy 1 SOL, sell 1 SOL. Why? It’s an appealing number! Can and will be easily modified so it doesn’t really matter.

If you're facing frequent failures when buying or selling tokens, adjusting the Slippage Settings can help.
Slippage refers to the difference between the expected and actual prices of a trade. Market volatility or liquidity issues can cause this discrepancy.
For example, if you try to buy 10 SOL at a set price but only receive 9.5 SOL due to slippage, that results in a 5% slippage.
The default BONKbot Slippage Configuration is set to 10%, but increasing it to 15% or 25% can improve transaction success.
Dev Recommendations:
Alex (Mod): “I personally set my BONKbot buy setting at 20% and my sell setting at 15%.
This approach works well for newer coins that tend to be super volatile. I noticed those same settings when I chatted with one of the daily traders.”
Web3 G: “I agree with Alex on this one. For most people, anything between 15% and 25% (on both or either one) should work perfectly.”

MEV Protection
The MEV Protection feature speeds up transactions and shields against frontrunning by default.
There are two settings to choose from:
Turbo Mode: Utilizes Jito for the fastest possible transactions with protection, but if a regular transaction is quicker, protection may be bypassed.
Secure Mode: Guarantees full protection from frontrunning, even if it slows the transaction. You can increase the bribe to accelerate the process if needed.
These options allow you to balance speed and security based on your trading priorities.
Dev Recommendations:
Alex (Mod): “It varies based on the particular use case. Turbo generally performs well in most scenarios, but when users are dealing with thousands of $, it's better to switch to a secure setting, reduce slippage and increase the tx priority.
I think it's fine for BONKbot beginners to stick with Turbo.”
Web3 G: “I agree with Alex here. It’s personal preference and depends on the specific use case like he explained.”
Ready to get started with BONKbot?